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Friday, November 25, 2011




第一个目标 :台湾 <3

等着瞧~~呵呵呵 :D

导师给我的一句话 :"阿min,我说如果你要知道你属意的男生会否是你最佳的终生伴侣呢,你就和他一起去国外背包旅行。从策划到出发,从遇到难题到解决问题,从看事心态到处事态度,都能让你再次评估一个人。一个旅程不只是一个假期,也是增加人生智慧的一个旅途! "

我说: "sir,我也赞同你所说的..从策划到出发,可以观察到一个人的品行,如果那属意的对象真心付出一切,得到的不只是人生的智慧,也是女生们一生的幸福!:D "

Saturday, October 29, 2011

2012 世界末日?谁知?

最近,每当翻开报纸,都是天灾的新闻报道,水灾,土崩,地震,暴风雪,暴风雨...等等. 到底是天灾还是人祸?无人能知..




最后,让我们一起祈祷,希望泰国的人民们能渡过这难关. PRAY FOR PEACE. =]



几时才能完成我的人生第一大事,踏上红地毯,接受众人们的祝福,你们就"拭目以待",慢慢等吧~~哈哈 :P



希望大学朋友们的你,前程一片光明,可以的话,大家记得保持联络 =]

BFF ❤ 好朋友


我很庆幸的,有几位很好的"姐妹",从中学至今,我们谈过无数的心事,八卦..哈哈!! 我承认我比较内向,所以有些事都没有说出口,但与你们在一起的时光,我真的无比的快乐!!呵呵~

我真的很珍惜这段友情,我可以感觉我们彼此都是珍惜对方的,你对我好,我也会对你好.这就是我做人的道理.六年的友情,希望能至到永远 ;)

现在,我们身处不同的地方,都为自己的梦想而努力奋斗着,我只希望每年我们大家都能抽出一段时间,聚一聚,八一八,哇哈哈哈!! :)

好了,附上几张姐妹们的玉照,期待我下一次的"部落"吧~~ :D

Saturday, July 2, 2011


      最近,闲来无事,所以找些东西娱自己. 想学韩语,却被那些圈圈叉弄的我头昏脑涨 @.@
     谁可以教教我!!! 小女子感激不尽啊!!! 呵呵呵 :D

      最近, 也学做了寿司,下图是第2次的成品, 较满意, 感谢邻居阿姨的指导 :)

home made sushi~~~oiishi :)

      最近, 也去了适耕庄一日游,再次"探访"了稻田们, 已经成了一片"黄金海, 正是收割的季节了...

可爱的猴子们 =)
      夜晚再来个灯光之旅.......Shah Alam I-City =)

     最近, 透过朋友的微博,我也爱上了折纸这玩意儿~~我学会了折蝴蝶结, 超满意的!!! 谁有兴趣,可去这看看---->  http://www.douban.com/photos/album/44686687/



2) 把纸裁成正方形,越标准越好.

3) 照样子折出痕迹.....

    依着指示,一步一步来, 就可以完成漂亮的蝴蝶结了~~看看,我的成品, 美不?? =)

   最近,我也在计划着去KL找我的姐妹们聚一聚. 实在太想念她们了, 好久没有一起去shopping 了, 好怀念啊!!! 希望这次的plan能行呀~~bopeep bopeep ><

   最后,附上姐妹们的照片一张~~~weeeeeeeeeeees =)

Friday, June 3, 2011

✿Addicted with the new game ✿

Currently unemployed and addicted with this new game~~friends can come and have a look!! No $$$ to shop all of this clothes, bags,shoes and more, but can satisfy myself with this mix and match games..lols XD

Monday, May 23, 2011

520 ❤ 那一年,我们毕业了

        520 的那一天,2011年,我们毕业了。大家从不认识到认识,从陌生人到朋友;这也许这都是上天的安排,但是我终于明白,我们的分开,也不是一件伤感的事。因为我们曾经在一起过,认识你们是我一生中最大的快乐。我会永远永远的记住这三年来我们一起度过的日子,酸甜苦辣,我们样样都尝尽了,一起赶功课,开“夜车”,也有吃喝玩乐的日子。所以我坚信,未来的日子里,我们一定也可以度过重重的难关,寻找到自己所爱的工作及理想。


在大学的门口留张照片做纪念 @ taken at MMU front door

FBL@ Faculty of Business & Laws 商业和法律系
在图书馆前来张大合照@ photo taken at library
3 beauties form HR

        First day, we do not known each other during the orientation. Now, we are from strangers become friends,this is so call FATE. Although I'm feeling desperate that we are gonna separate each other for our future life, but finally me understand that our separation is not a sad thing. It was because we have had together, to be a friend with you all are the greatest joy of my life. I will always remember this forever, along this three years, the days we spent together, the ups and downs, everything we tasted, the days we do assignment together, having lecture class and the days we play and hang out together. 

        No matter is sad, joy and happiness, all this will memorize in my mind forever. I firmly believe that the coming days, all of us can get the job we look for and also the life we deserve for.

all my buddies from B&F

all beauties from B&F~~except me..hahaha

         At the end, take care my friends!! Wishing us all the best and good luck for our future undertaking :)

Specially dedication notes for the lecturers :

Sing k with lecturers and friends :)

will miss u guys badly :'(

Ms Venny along my three years uni life, two subjects were teaching by you, financial management and mergers. And also, i have the opportunity under your supervise to complete my final year project. You is such a great and responsible lecturer, keep it up! Hope we will meet again in the future. 

Hock Sir a funny lecturer, damn funny!! lols XD
1st time teaching by sir was the Bank Management class, night class, it really torture me!! Fortunately, the class was not so boring...hahaha. Second time,we meet again was the last sem last year of my uni life, will appreciate what sir doing for us during this three years.

Sir Tanhmm....a bit serious during lecture class, in fact also was a funny and humor lecturer. 1st semester already teaching by sir, impress me most was the real life example that sir sharing for the students during the lecture class. Appreciate it so much. TQ.

Ms Christine a pretty lecturer, although not teaching by you along this three years, but we had known each other during the sing k session ~~really thanks to yu wei, siau wen and peih ling. May we have a chance to meet again in the future.
Sir Limalthough teaching by sir only once for the managerial communication class, but also thanks for what that sir contribute for the students. Also tq for correct my pronunciation for my presentation, will remember it forever.Hahaha!!

Ms Lee a pretty lecturer in room 5002, hahaha~ TQ for teaching me for financial management 1 and international finance class, TQ for the everything. I like short hair of Miss better than long hair,lols.

Ms Ong also one of the pretty lecturer from room 5002, thanks for teaching me for class of BOB and investment, i like the smile of Miss, it really sweet!! Hope we can meet again in the future.

Ms Wendy another pretty lecturer from room 5002 also, tq for teaching me for the subject of research methodology, wish you stay healthy and pretty with your family. :)

Ms Crystal thanks for teaching me economic, supply and demand really confused me at the 1st class, finally i got it!! hahaha~although u already leaving MMU, but u was forever my lecturer in my heart!

Sir Goh CYTQ for being my lecturers for two subjects, although the subject was a bit boring, but you make it interesting with your real life example, keep it up sir!! 

Adeila Sensei Sensei, really thanks that teaching me Japanese language, will miss those time we having our class and drama time together, Arigatogozaimasu. :)

Mdm Norizatonthanks for teaching me for the knowledge of investment, now really miss the OSK game deeply!! haha 

Sir MJ although was the 1st time teaching by sir, but really appreciate what sir done for us, the patience and enthusiasm of sir for teaching us regarding to the subject of derivative, I'm appreciate it so much. ( pls gv me pass, hahahaha!!)

        Lastly, sharing a photo with you all of my cute and beloved lecturers. See you all in the coming October convo!! Cheers :) 

four cute lecturers indeed!! miss u all :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

最終章 ❤ Last chapter of my uni life~LAst but not THE END chapter ❤

taken a group photo with Mr.Ng

a group photo with my lovely friends
precious moment in MMU
          Time flies, there was a last chapter in my university life. Glad to meet all my uni friends, happy to know u all. We had share our happiness and solve the problems together. I am pleasure to know all of you although just in a short time. Although we might have some quarrel, but hope that all will be going to be fine, three years friendship was not the end, we suppose to be keep contact~Let us rock our future!!!! :D

       At here, me also want to say thanks to my dearest FYP supervisor, she help me a lot in the final year project, really thanks for all her guidance, patient to teach and do correction on it. So happy that be ur student in this three year uni life, hope can keep contact although i'm not ur student anymore. :) I have a wish, i wish can take a photo with Ms.Venny, hahaha XD

      Also, say thanks to Mr.Ng TH, thanks for giving us such a memorable night in the last class, thx for sang a song for us, will never forgot those scene,this will always stay longer in our heart,appreciate it so much. :D

Group photo of international finance last class

A message for my dearest friends (Baking gangs) :

Sing ying a gal who come from far n study at MMU, good skills in capturing photo and cooking ( i think so :P) I like her attitude like to helping people n also her sincere, gald to be friend with her.

Pei yen a skinny gal ,need to eat more too..haha. a good leader, like to be same group with her, my remind for her, try to eat medicine when sick..ahaha XP
from left to right : pei yen n sing ying
Miki a JB gal that like to take photo~~ i like her photo capturing skills, happy that being housemate with her for around 5 months, my advising for her, please eat more and also eat on time too, just do it for ur healthy life. :)

Poh joo my dearest friends along this 3 years, tall n pretty gal..unfortunately both of us have some problems since the gamma year, but this does not mean the friendship will come to the end, hope our friendship forever.Also, sorry for my childish attitude :(

Wei kuan Miss piggy, bt actually too skinny, need eat more n more. Funny and "sot sot" gal, hope she and guo chong can send a good new for us.wahahhaha XD
from top to bottom : wei kuan, poh joo, me and miki
Poh Lin a nice gal, too passion and generous (same v her bf too..lol ) sometime let me feel paiseh, hahaha~~just started know her when in the end of gamma year, although juz a short time, but also appreciate this friendship.

Kai Chin also a tall n pretty gal~ glad to know her too, too kind, and like to say "lan gag"..lols XD bt like her smiling so much :D

Adeline a friend that know more about each other when Islamic Banking event, glad to know u~~hehehe :)

Hui ting a friend call "jia jia"~although both of us just become more closer in this semester, but really appreciate those moment with u. :D

Tiffany a sweetie, a really pro "model" when in front camera, always good posing and stand by in front the camera..ahahaha XD

Cai wen  a small and skinny gal too ( around me all skinny 1 >"< ), glad to know her, a good and top student, like to share knowledge with friends, thanks to this little teacher.

Shi ling, Jia Qing, Xin Yee three of u almost together all the time, so me leave the comment for u three together,hahaha...glad to know u all, and hope all of us will have a bright future after graduate.Take care my friends. :)

from left to right : jia qing, poh lin, kai chin, adeline, me, shi ling n hui ting
from left to right : cai wen, hui ting and me
Guo chong group mate since the 1st year of uni life, glad to know u, hope u hv a good career in the future. Hope can heard the good new from u and wei kuan!! wakakaka, juz kidding lah :p

Guo chong and wei kuan ( the best photo i ever seen..haha )
        Three years friendship will not be the ending, is the ending or starting is depend on us~~hope this friendship will be longer forever. Here, me want to wish all of us have a good career in future, gambateh and all the best for our final!! Chiong ah!! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Birthday season ❤お誕生日おめでとうございます

Sakura house's dishes~~oiishi :)

March was a birthday peak season, celebrated and crazy-ing with friends. Again, happy birthday to Hui Ting, Sing Ying and Chye Boon. A nice memories with u all before me graduated..hehehe :)

Here some pictures of my friend's birthday celebration.

happy bday to hui ting :)

celebration at Wong Kok

friends :)
happy birthday to sing ying

MMU buddies :)
like tis much :)

group of friends celebrate v chye boon :D

handmake cake n satay celup :)

make a wish C:

 There are many types of "happy birthday" in different language, found from internet.

How to say "Happy Birthday"
Armenian Taredarzet shnorhavor! or Tsenund shnorhavor!
Austrian-Viennese Ois guade winsch i dia zum Gbuadsdog!
Brazil Parabéns a você!
Parabéns a você, nesta data querida muitas felicidades e muitos anos de vida.
Bulgarian Chestit Rojden Den!
Catalan Per molts anys! or Bon aniversari! or Moltes Felicitats!
Chinese-Cantonese Sun Yat Fai Lok!
Chinese-Mandarin qu ni sheng er kuai le
Czech Vsechno nejlepsi k Tvym narozeninam!
Danish Tillykke med fodselsdagen!
Dutch Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! or Van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!
English Happy Birthday!
Esperanto Felichan Naskightagon!
Finnish Hyvaa syntymapaivaa!
French (Canada) Bonne Fête!
French Joyeux Anniversaire!
German Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Greek Eytyxismena Genethlia! or Chronia Pola!
Hawaiian Hau`oli la hanau!
Hindi (India) Janam Din ki badhai! or Janam Din ki shubkamnaayein!
Hungarian Boldog szuletesnapot! or Isten eltessen!
Icelandic Til hamingju med afmaelisdaginn!
Italian Buon Compleanno!
Japanese Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Korean Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da!
Latin Fortuna dies natalis!
Luxembourgeois Vill Gleck fir daei Geburtsdaag!
Malaysian Selamat Hari Jadi!
Norwegian Gratulerer med dagen!
Persian Tavalodet Mobarak!
Polish Wszystkiego Najlepszego! or Wszystkiego najlepszego zokazji urodzin!
wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin
Portuguese (Brazil) Parabens pelo seu aniversario! or Parabenspara voce! or Parabens e muitas felicidades!
Portuguese Feliz Aniversario! or Parabens!
Romanian La Multi Ani!
Russian S dniom razhdjenia! or Pazdravliayu s dniom razhdjenia!
Sardinian (Italy) Achent'annos! Achent'annos!
Slovak Vsetko najlepsie k narodeninam!
Spanish Feliz Cumpleaños!
Swedish Grattis på födelsedagen
Taiwanese San leaz quiet lo!
Thai Suk San Wan Keut!
Turkish Dogum gunun kutlu olsun!
Vietnamese Chuc Mung Sinh Nhat!